Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Hairspray" the Musical at LHS

 "Hairspray" the musical will be presented on stage tomorrow night (Friday, April 25) at Lakewood High School, followed by a Saturday night show and a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m.. Come out and support your local, young artists -- and while you're at it, get to see me play two small roles as The Principal and as Mr. Pinky, the, um, "flamboyant" owner of the Hefty Hideaway, a fashion paradise for plus-size ladies. Never before has -- and never again will -- anyone witnessed such a sweet and hip-swooshing Mr. Pinky on stage at the LHS auditorium!

"Free jelly donuts while they last! East 'em up girls. I've got ten tons of taffeta inside!"