Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And the Monkeybicycle8 Lightning Round! lineup includes:

With just eight days to go until the Monkeybicycle8 journal-release party/Lightning Round! reading extravaganza (during which I will read my poetry), I was just curious to locate those folks with whom I will be sharing the stage. Hopefully I have matched the correct websites with the official list of participants (and if not, please contact me with a correction, minus any attitude, okay?) Good. According to the current Lightning Round! list of writers, the event is slated to include (but, in legalese, may or may not be limited to) the following creative artists:

Paula Bomer, author, Baby (and other stories)

Vince Czyz, author, Adrift in a Vanishing City

Scott Geiger

Jeff Grunthaner

Michael Hickins, author, The Actual Adventures of Michael Missing

Suzanne Marie Hopcrof

Blake Kimzey

Lincoln Michel

David Moscovich

Dustin Luke Nelson, founding editor, InDigest

Edwin Rivera, author, A Writer of Time

Kathleen A. Ryan, contributing writer ("Playing with Matches"), Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer

Andrew James Weatherhead