Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Interview with Monkeybicycle

I've been so wrapped up with the sudden burst of activity on the journalism side of my writing career that my poetic side has taken a backseat to those opportunities; that's not a complaint, however, as writing news is getting me paychecks, while writing poems is not. That's the way it is, and I accept that fact.

On the other hand, remember Monkeybicycle -- the wonderful literary journal that published my bizarre narrative poem "Chipmunks" in recent months? Well, they decide to interview me, and the fruits of that interview will be posted on the journal's website on Saturday. I will provide a direct link to the interview when it becomes available.

In the meantime, I encourage everyone to go right now and see what it has to offer. And if you have not already checked it out, you can listen to an audio version of "Chipmunks" through the journal's podcast -- and while you're at it, you may as well order a copy of Monkeybicycle8, which features "Chipmunks," by clicking the image in this post.