Many thanks to InDigest co-founding editor Dustin Luke Nelson for personally inviting me to submit an audio-poem, which in the not-too-distant future will be made available via the literary journal's "Indefinite Podcast" venue.
I'm proud to say that Dustin and I separately shared the stage, literally and figuratively, for this year's release of Monkeybicycle 8, which included my narrative poem "Chipmunks" as well as Dustin's poem "1." Likewise, we alternately manned the stage at Cake Shop in New York City for Monkeybicycle's Round Two "Lightning Round!" reading, where I presented "Yet Another Lady with a Dog," a narrative poem that is available via YouTube. (While you're at it, also see the Dustin Luke Nelson "channel" on YouTube.)
I will post a link to my InDigest podcast when it is ready.